Strada per Aiola 5/G - Montecchio Emilia (RE) (+39) 0522.863186 - (+39) 0522.863181


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A new year full of news for Industrie Montali Srl, the Emil-ian company creator of a line “easy” dedicated to all those who want to combine good and healthy eating, while not having much time to devote to the stove. Innovation and practicality in packaging, a raw material strictly controlled by Made in Italy, bio-vegan products, are just some aspects of a brand that with its 110 years of history has been able to interpret the trends of an in-creasingly curious consumer, attentive to the processes and functional properties of the products. The line of READY SAUCES and SNACKS, consisting of vegetable paté, are packed in an innovative and easy to use packaging, which allows you to reduce up to 30% shelf space and to reduce the energy consumption of the logistics chain: the 90 g single-dose package of the sauces has the same characteristics of fresh tomato just picked for authenticity and fragrance. Each sauce contains the essence of the traditional recipes of Italian gastronomy side by side, to combine the pleasure of the table with the need to eat healthy, from further recipes prepared using only Organ-ic Farming ingredients with a high percentage of tomato pulp and genuine ingredients, such as extra virgin olive oil and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. The bag in aluminum foil is opened and poured without the need to be heated and without the use of cutlery; also contains the right single portion of the product, thus countering food waste. The vegetable paté, in a comfortable 150 gr tube, are perfect to enrich all recipes, to be spread on a tart or to fill a simple toast. Ready sauces and paté offer the plus of a particularly accurate and original recipe that among the strengths, in addition to goodness, beat the long times of traditional cuisine: with Easymontali time to cook pasta and you are immediately ready to bring to the table a chef dish.